Real Estate Market Update January 8, 2024

Achieving Your Homebuying Dreams in 2024

Planning to buy a home this year? Here’s what to focus on:

  • Improve Your Credit
    Your credit score impacts your mortgage rate and future home loan. Monitor your credit and work on improving it by paying off debts.
  • Plan for Your Down Payment
    Save some money from every paycheck for your home fund and get help from a professional to explore down payment assistance options.
  • Get Pre-Approved
    Pre-approval from a lender helps you know how much money you can borrow for your home loan. That way, you can start figuring out your budget.
  • Decide What’s Most Important to You
    Make a list of things you want in a home and decide if they’re Must-Haves or just Nice-To-Haves. Then, talk to your agent about it before starting your search.

Let’s connect so you have expert advice on how to achieve your homebuying goals this year.